Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cycle 5 Winner and Next Cycle info.

Congratulations, it was a very hard decision for me because you all did so well. I will be seeing you all back next Cycle for Cycle 6- All Stars.

For those who do not know next Cycle is All Stars. I am bringing back the winner and runner ups of each Cycle alongside a few people who I think have potential to win to compete in the most difficult Cycle yet. We are bringing back those who are strongest to compete for the title of Angel-Leigh's Next Top Model again.

Here is the list of confirmed contestants thus far:
_calmgirl_ Cycle 4 Winner
ruxandrad Cycle 5 Finalist
ZiggyKettyZoo Cycle 5 Finalist
Carla9998 Cycle 2 Winner
loirinhagl Cycle 2 Finalist
unearthly_x Cycle 5 Winner
emand18 Cycle 1 Finalist

Who are you most excited to see back?

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Task 6 Elimination

The final task is up to you. You need to create a scenery that shows me why you deserve to win. Show me why you are in the final. The scenery can have any theme but make sure to explain it in the comments. Don't forget to use a pose. Don't let me down Girls.

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Monday, October 17, 2011

Task 5 Elimination

We are down to the final three! so for the Semi-Final you need to create a scenery based on your favourite real life model. You will need to style your doll to look like them and then create a scenery based on the type of modelling the do.

Due:21st October

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Task 4 Elimination

Task 5 in the spirit of the RWC will be to create a scenery using your teams colours. So in my case I am from New Zealand so I support the All Blacks therefore I would use the colours Black and White. If your country isn't in the RWC pick a country that is and use their colours. Any questions contact me.

Due: 21st October

Good Luck girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Friday, October 14, 2011

Task 3 Elimination


Task 4 is to create a scenery based on Halloween. Seeing as Halloween is approaching I thought it would be fitting to do a task based on it. You basically have free reign so long as it portrays Halloween in some way.

Due: 19th October

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Task 2 Elimination

And for Task 2 you need to create a scenery in which you use furniture items for clothing. You will need to include a pose.

Here is an example:

Due: 18th October

Good Luck Girls

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Task 1 Elimination and Task 2


Sorry for the delay, music issues.

Task 2 is to a scenery that shows me your style. It must contain a pose.

This is to be created in the club sceneries and may only contain your doll. You may not have multiple dolls in your scenery.

Due- 12th October

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Sunday, September 25, 2011


If you cannot view the video here is the list:
In no particular order

I have created an ALNTM I.D with a graphic for this cycle which will pop up every now and again.

Now for the first task! You need to create a scenery based on one of the four seasons. I will assign each season below.

Amzybabe98- Summer
B.R.i.T.N.i- Autumn
FrenchChic19- Winter
Marvelie- Spring
MileyKent- Summer
NessieBoo_08- Autumn
Ruxandrad- Winter
Samanthajane10- Spring
Unearthly_x- Summer
ZiggyKettyZoo- Winter

The task is due on the 6am, 2nd October NZST

Good Luck Girls, remember one contestant MUST be eliminated.

I have made a new elimination process which you shall have to wait for the next video to see. It is to utilise the graphics as much as possible because they took so long to make.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Friday, September 23, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Task 1 is to create a posing scenery that best shows me your potential. You need to pick a theme and explain it to me in the comments.

Description in comments

Good Luck girls, show me what you've got!

Due 14th August

Graphics etc. should be ready by the due date.
xoxo Angel-Leigh

Final Judging and Cycle 4 Winner

Your Prizes are as follows:
Manager of the club Next-Top_Model
Judge alongside me for Cycle 5
Four page interview in our magazine

If I come across anything else I will get back to you.

Well, that concludes Cycle 4. We had such an amazing group of talent this time round and any one of you could have won. The brand new name for our Cycles is ALNTM (Angel-Leigh's Next Top Model)

This is normally where I wish you good luck and give you a due date but all I can say today is well done girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Elimination and Final Task

Eliminated RainDrip
Winner _calmgirl_

This is it girls, the final task. Just three out of eleven left. The Final Three. The last task shall be to make a posing scenery. You pick your own theme. But don't do a half job for this is your last. This should be your best scenery thus far. It needs to wow me and convince me that you should win this Cycle, that you had what it takes to be the next big thing. Show me what you've got.

Description in Comments

Due 30th July

Good Luck Girls, you are going to need it.

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Elimination and Task 5

Eliminated is Tayla
Winner is Anastasia

Task 5 is Headshots, these are sceneries that contain only your head and shoulders. The main focus here is to style your doll beautifully and make her stand out.


Styled doll
Explanation in comments

Good Luck Girls.

Due 25th July

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Elimination and Task 4

Video is not working will try and post later.

Eliminated Ruxandrad
Task Winner mikii_roxya_sox
Dropped out twoturnone

Task 4 is to create a scenery based on a country I will assign each of you.I will give you a few pointers but also recommend googling them. Try to make it obvious what country you have.

_calmgirl_ France, think of Paris and the Eiffel Tower as that is the most famous part of France
alimari1998 New Zealand, Think about kiwi birds, Maori and nature.
mikii_roxya_sox Italy, Think leaning tower of pisa, the Colosseum
RainDrip Australia, Think Sydney Opera House, Kangaroos
Tayla.8 Britain, Think Westminster Abby, Buckingham Palace

Good Luck Girls, You are the final 5, show me what you've got.
Due 18th July

xoxo Rose

Monday, June 27, 2011

Task 2 Elimination and Task 3


Task 3 is to create a scenery using furniture items as clothing. Basically you create a scenery but instead of using clothes on your doll you use furniture.

A pose
Furniture item clothing
Description in comments

Good Luck girls, you will need it.

Due: 1st July

xoxo Rose

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Task 1 Elimination and Task 2


Blogger won't let me post the video here so here is the link:

Eliminated PS.ILoveU and Ox.iLY.xO.
Task winner is RainDrip.

People to complete this task are:

Task 2 is colours. You will each be assigned a colour to base your scenery on. It needs to be clear to me what your colour is. You need to include a pose and a description in the comments explaining what is happening.

Your colours:

_calmgirl_ red
alimari1998 orange
mikii_roxya_sox yellow
RainDrip green
ruxnandrad light blue
Tayla.8 dark blue
twoturnone purple
xxmarcat8xx pink
ZiggyKettyZoo white

A pose
Your assigned colour

Good Luck girls, you are going to need it. Remember someone MUST be eliminated.

Due 26th June

xoxo Rose

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cycle 4 Contestants and Task 1

Contestants are:


Task 1 is posing. Show me your skills, remember this is your first impression, make it a good one.


Due: 22nd June
Good Luck girls.

xoxo Rose

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Eliminated is Loirinhagl.
Task winner is 3mmag9

Task 4 is to recreate your favourite ANTM shoot. I will need a tinypic of the original picture in the comments to judge against. Don't forget to tinypic your scenery before saving.

Due on 13th May.

Good Luck girls, someone MUST be eliminated.

xoxo Rose

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Elimination and Task 3

Eliminated DancingDeeze, Evange54 and Ms.Star864.

Next Task is Colours you will each be assigned a colour and your scenery needs to be based on that colour.
You colours are:
loirinhagl- green
3mmag9- blue
FrenchChic19- Black
twoturnone- White
tayla.8- yellow
StarTishthe2nd- Red
PS.ILoveU- Pink
abbafairytale- Purple
Yowhattup- Brown

Due 7th May because I am on camp and that gives me just enough time to make a video. I think :D

Good Luck girls.

xoxo Rose

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Elimination and Task 2

There were 5 of you who did not complete the Task.
These people are:

This makes me so disappointed because I sent out two reminder topics.
You will have one chance and one chance only to redeem yourselves and stay in the competition. You need to complete both Task 1 and 2 by the Task 2 deadline.

Task 2 is to create a scenery using furniture items as clothing. Please include a pose and a tinypic for glitches. if you don't know how to do a tinypic here is a link to the youtube video I made as a tutorial: Tinypic tutorial.

Some examples: 

Due: 29th April

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cycle 3 Contestants and Task 1

Ok it was a hard decision but our top 12 are:


Well done you made the cut. If you were chosen you need to read the terms and conditions then sign under the topic Task 1 in the club that you agree to them.

First task is to create a posing scenery to show me your posing ability. You need to include your best pose. You were all chosen because you can do poses so show me that you can.

Also please make a tinypic in case of stardoll glitches. It's as simple as pressing your printscreen button and pasting it in paint.

Good Luck girls. Someone MUST be eliminated.

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Winner of Cycle 2

This was one of the toughest decisions ever. I had three amazing girls to choose from but could only pick one. In the end I finally decided that the Cycle 2 Rose's Next Top Model is..........Carla9998

It was so close and any of you could have won but I could only pick one. Well done Carla9998

Your Prize. Four page interview spread in our magazine. Manager pf the club. Judge for Cycle 3. Your winning scenery on the front page and if you would like a position to write whatever you want for the club blog.

You all did amazing and I will be doing interviews with each of the runner ups as well.

Cycle 3 Auditions are being taken now. Please Audition for you could be like Juliettteeee and Carla9998 and be one of Rose's Top Models.

xoxo Rose

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Elimination and Task 6

Unfortunately I had to eliminate someone and could not pick between two sceneries but in the end leaving are twoturnone and popymana. I could not make my mind up so double elimination. This also means that this is the last task of Cycle 2.

Top Three are:

Girls you have made it very far and that was not without difficulty. You have all produced some amazing sceneries and deserve to be here. This is why your last task is to produce the best scenery you have ever done. The Theme is all up to you. Remember this could be what you need to win. I will not be judging just this one scenery though. I am creating a portfolio on my computer of all your sceneries. I will judge who wins on your performance throughout this comepetiton. One bad scenery could cost you the whole competition. Do your best work girls. You all have the potential to be the winner but only one of you can be Roses Next Top Model.

Good Luck girls. Remember one of you WILL be Roses Next Top Model.

xoxo Rose.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Elimination and Task 5

Eliminated is yowhattup, you produced the weakest scenery on the up side task winner is Carla9998 your scenery has been added to the front page of the club.

Remaining are:

We are down to the final 5. Task 5 for the top 5 is Perfume ads. You are to create a scenery that is a perfume advertisement. You can google perfume ads for inspiration but please give me the link to the original in the comments on your scenery.

You have until 10th of April to complete this task but if everyone finishes early the task closes early.

Good luck girls. Remember Someone MUST be eliminated.

xoxo Rose

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Elimination and Task 4

Unfortunately eliminated is Paralizen because she produced the weakest scenery.Sorry

Anyway this means the remaining contestants are:

Well done.

Task 4 is Colours. You will each be assigned a colour which needs to be the main focus of your scenery. You MUST have a pose and a description.

Your colours are:
loirinhagl- White
emand18- Black
twoturnone- Blue
Carla9998- Grey
yowhattup- Green

If you need me to make and sell you a tile of your colour write in MY GUESTBOOK not the clubs and I will do that for you.

Good luck girls it is due 7th April.

xoxo Rose

Monday, March 28, 2011

Elimination and Task 3

Automatically disqualified are:
all for not completing the task I am over it.

I am also inviting Paralizen to join the competition because I love your style and your last scenery was great.

So remaining contestants are:

Task 3 is a posing competition. You MUST use a POSE and if you don't know how to see the posing tutorial I made last Cycle at If you do not use a pose or do not complete the task you are disqualified.

Also everyone needs to read through the Terms and conditions and comment I agree.

Good Luck girls. Someone MUST be eliminated.

xoxo Rose

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Elimination and Task 2

There will be no elimination as BestKarateGirl dropped out.

People who are still in the competition are:
Task 2 is Seasons you will each be assigned a season and an inspiration picture which you need to recreate the best that you can as a scenery on stardoll. Your seasons and pictures are:





Good Luck
Remember someone MUST be eliminated

xoxo Rose

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cycle 2 Task 1

Well done to those that got through, your first task will be makeovers. I have tinypic them all here are the links:
Megawinterstar, loirinhagl, popymana, emand18, twoturnone, Singoutloud18

Carla9998, MissMaartooz, lou_lou1010, ronaldoandtevez, bestkarategirl, yowhattup

You need to do your best to copy what I have done with your dolls then create a scenery that shows off your new look which means a photoshoot them. For a good scenery you should do a pose, if you don't know how to pose here is the link to the clubs posing tutorial:

Good luck girls, someone MUST be eliminated. Due 21st March

xoxo Rose

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Winner of Cycle 1

It was a very hard decision and I had to go back through all your sceneries made throughout the competition to decide but the final winner is....Juliettteeee!!!!!!!!!
I love your style and you medoll and your posing and I looked through all your sceneries and they are amazing. Emand18 did an awesome job too and it would not be a competition without the competitors. Thank you to everyone who competed, you are all amazing.

Juliettteeee wins: 
Manager for duration of Cycle 2
Cycle 2 Judge
Four page spread in the Top Model Magazine.
Become a writer for the club blog if she wants and a picture of them on the club blog.

Congrats, I will get right on organising all of this asap.

xoxo Rose

Monday, March 7, 2011

Elimination and the Last Task of Cycle 1

Everyone done a good job, but good isn't good enough so close to the end of the competition.

Someone had to be eliminated and unfortunately this time it was twoturnone, your scenery was a bit too plain. Sorry.

So the final two are: Emand18 and Juliettteeee

Task 7 is to show me everything you learned throughout this cycle, from posing to tinypic to scenery set up I want it all in either a scenery, polyvore, tinypic or album/star blog entry. 
Remember the quality of this depends on your future, it is make it or break it.
Do your best to show your full potential. I was planning on starting Cycle 2 asap so if you haven't already fill out a application.

Just another reminder the prize for winning is Manager for duration of Cycle 2, Cycle 2 Judge, Four page spread in Top Model Magazine and will become a writer for the club blog if want to and a picture of them on the club blog.

Good luck girls

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Elimination and Task 6

Ok sorry to say that eliminated is Hautegurl, you did not complete your polyvore.

So still in are:

Well done girls you are so close to the end. There are only two tasks remaining until I announce the winner of Cycle 1.
Just so everyone knows cycle 2 auditions are now being held, if you win cycle 1 you are also a judge for Cycle 2 and cannot compete.

Task 6 is to create a scenery based on your favourite book, movie or TV program. You MUST include a description explaining what you chose and how you portrayed it.

Good Luck.
Task is Due 6th of March.

xoxo Rose
BTW Do you like my new look?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Ok so it isn't that urgent but I am seriously debating whether to make my doll short haired or not. Here is a preview of what it would look like:

Should I or shouldn't I, please comment below you opinion.

xoxo Rose

Friday, February 25, 2011

Elimination and Task 5

Eliminated is LOLA_LOLLIES, did not complete challenge.
Task winner is Juliettteeee, your scenery will go on the front page.

So remaining are:

We are so much closer to the end now so I am going to make the competition harder by having 2 Tasks per round.

Task 5 is to Create a polyvore set showing your style. Also create a scenery that has the theme Disaster. I have decided on the theme disaster because on Tuesday 22nd February 2011 there was a massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake that hit Christchurch, New Zealand leaving many people homeless, I will post pictures below for inspiration.

Due 2nd March 2011
Good Luck

xoxo Rose

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Elimination and Task 4

Eliminated is:
Unfortunately lorinhagl.
The fact that your dolls face was not included in your scenery made this decision for me.

Task 4:
Is another posing task but this time I will give you each a colour which MUST be able to be easily identified by me.

hautegurl: White
twoturnone: Red
Juliettteeee: Yellow
emand18: Green

Due February 25th
I will post examples soon.

xoxo Rose

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Elimination and Task 3

Everyone who completed the task is through to task 3. However hipipeace and sandyylee are eliminated because they did not compete.
So as a reminder through is:

Comments are on your sceneries.

Task 3 is to create a scenery using posing. Examples are below.
For those of you who dont know how to pose I have posted a posing tutorial page in the bar above.

It can be as simple as lifting on arm to complex things like my first example.
Please do not copy my examples, if you want to see the actual sceneries of these go to ENTSM club sceneries.
Due 22nd February.

xoxo Rose

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Task 2

Sorry it took me so long to post again, I have been really busy with school.
Just as a reminder the people who are through to task 2 are Emand18, Lorinhagl, LOLA-LOLLIES, Juliettteeeeee, twoturnone, hautegurl, hipipeace and sandyylee.

Task two is to make your doll as beautiful as possible and create a scenery expressing this. Make sure not to draw attention away from your doll. Example is in my personal sceneries.
Task is due Feb 18th, that is four days I will top spot topic two days before as a reminder.
Someone has to be eliminated.

BTW, do you like my new look? Comment in my guestbook your thoughts.

xoxo Rose

P.S It is my birthday tomorrow so I would appreciate it if you sent me a gift :D

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Task 1 Winners

It was a very difficult decision because you all did well, I have decided since there were so many people who did not enter I will still judge them on what I have previously from them.
I will start with my comments on everyone.
Emand18: I love how you actually gave yours a name and theme. My favourite outfit was the third one because you accessorised it very well and it all matched.
Lorinhagl: I liked how you set it out, it's a shame that one of your dresses moved though but it still looks good. My favourite outfit was the middle one because you used a great colour scheme. Though I don't like the last one at all mainly because of the colour of the green.
LOLA-LOLLIES: I like how your backgrounding was more detailed than others but that sort of took away from the outfits. My favourite outfit was the last one, I love the dress.
Juliettteeeeee: I LOVE your scenery. Your fashion sense is amazing and you are great at accessorising. Your outfits all looked great and my favourite was the last one because I love the way you used the belt to join the top and shorts.
twoturnone: I like how you used other models in yours instead of just yourself. Your outfits were very well put together. My favourite was the one you were wearing, everything matched well and looked great.
hautegurl: I like how you also used different people, your outfits matched well and looked awesome. My favourite is the middle one, I love the colours and the accessories.

Now for the people who didn't compete.

rvampirediaries: I gave you a second chance in the competition and you didn't bother to compete, you said you dedicate yourself to stardoll but you still didn't complete the task.
hipipeace: You stood out before to me but now you aren't even completing the task. I love your fashion but not completing a task is unacceptable.
nickky:I love your fashion sense and your application was okay but you could've completed the task because you have been online.
sandyylee: Your doll is so beautiful and I believe you have the potential so my question is Why did you not do it?

It was a very hard decision but I am afraid to say that the two people eliminated are:
rvampirediaries and nickky

Sorry girls, you can try again next cycle.

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Task 1

Rosalie's Next Top Model is now under way and task 1 is here.
Your task is to create a scenery that represents your style. This is to be saved to the club and you need to use the three part template. The model does not have to be you but you need to create three OUTFITS this means you need to accessorise not just a dress and shoes, be creative.
You have until 5th of February in my time which is 3 days! So get going.
One person has to be eliminated. Anyone who doesn't make a scenery is automatically eliminated.
You start now!

xoxo Rose

Monday, January 31, 2011

Next Top Model Contestants announced!!!

Considering the fact that I did not get many entries this was actually a very hard decision for me.
I had 12 girls to chose from but I could only put 10 of them through to the competition.
I will start with the first nine people that made it through and then will judge the bottom three.
I had two favourites. The first girl through to Rosalie's Next Top Model is..... sandyylee, I love your doll and your suite is well set out your closet contains some great clothes which you could use better to make your doll look really beautiful.
The second doll through is..... lorinhagl, I love your doll so much, she is beautiful and your fashion sense is amazing your suite is awesome too.

Now I am just going to do names, they only got comments because they were the top two.
In no particular order:
and nickyy

The bottom three are:
and Sweet_Caroline1

ZivaRox, your doll is alright apart from the fact that your face is all squished together, it makes your doll look very weird.
rvampirediaries, your doll is very loud in the terms of colours, your outfit however is not what I would call an out fit because you have not attempted to accessorise the dress at all.
Sweet_Caroline1, One thing that annoyed me was the fact that you left blanks in your application, the fur boots on your outfit just do not work and the makeup is a little to un organised for me.

I have decided that the last competitor in Rosalie's Next Top Model Cycle 1 is..... rvampirediaries, you showed me that you have passion, you just need to improve your outfits.

Sorry to ZivaRox and Sweet_Caroline1, this was not the right time for you.

Well done to those that got through, Task 1 will be up soon.

xoxo Rose

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Writers Needed!!!

We need some writers so if you want to read below.
Writers choose their own topic (which I need to approve) and they post as often as they can.
If you want to do this job comment below.
Why you should get the job:
Any experience:
Signed: (Your stardoll user name)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

 Cycle 1 auditions are being taken if you want to take part simply fill out this form.

Real Name:
Stardoll Name:
Style Inspiration:
Why should you be chosen:
How often are you on Stardoll:
Signed: (Stardoll Username)