Cycle 5 Terms and Conditions

Scenery Rules:

  • No Copying~ If you copy anyones sceneries this will result in an automatic disqualification
  • No Redoing sceneries~ If you create a scenery then decide you want to do it again and delete the previous one then make another this will be decided by the judges whether or not you get disqualified.
  • No Extra dolls~ Unless your task is to have more than one doll in it only use your doll.
Member Rules:

  • No putting people down~ If you comment bad things on someones scenery and are not a judge (not that judges post bad things it's constructive criticism) you could be either banned for 7 days or disqualified depending on the comment and whether you are competing.
  • Last but not least have fun and try your best, you are all beautiful and have the potential to win.
Good luck girls and have fun

xoxo Angel-Leigh