Saturday, April 9, 2011

Elimination and Task 6

Unfortunately I had to eliminate someone and could not pick between two sceneries but in the end leaving are twoturnone and popymana. I could not make my mind up so double elimination. This also means that this is the last task of Cycle 2.

Top Three are:

Girls you have made it very far and that was not without difficulty. You have all produced some amazing sceneries and deserve to be here. This is why your last task is to produce the best scenery you have ever done. The Theme is all up to you. Remember this could be what you need to win. I will not be judging just this one scenery though. I am creating a portfolio on my computer of all your sceneries. I will judge who wins on your performance throughout this comepetiton. One bad scenery could cost you the whole competition. Do your best work girls. You all have the potential to be the winner but only one of you can be Roses Next Top Model.

Good Luck girls. Remember one of you WILL be Roses Next Top Model.

xoxo Rose.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I wasn't sure if my scenery was saved so here's a tinypic

