Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Elimination and Task 5

Eliminated is yowhattup, you produced the weakest scenery on the up side task winner is Carla9998 your scenery has been added to the front page of the club.

Remaining are:

We are down to the final 5. Task 5 for the top 5 is Perfume ads. You are to create a scenery that is a perfume advertisement. You can google perfume ads for inspiration but please give me the link to the original in the comments on your scenery.

You have until 10th of April to complete this task but if everyone finishes early the task closes early.

Good luck girls. Remember Someone MUST be eliminated.

xoxo Rose

1 comment:

  1. Here is the tinypic in the origanal her legs were crossed bu i didn't have time this time so here.
