Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cycle 2 Task 1

Well done to those that got through, your first task will be makeovers. I have tinypic them all here are the links:
Megawinterstar, loirinhagl, popymana, emand18, twoturnone, Singoutloud18

Carla9998, MissMaartooz, lou_lou1010, ronaldoandtevez, bestkarategirl, yowhattup

You need to do your best to copy what I have done with your dolls then create a scenery that shows off your new look which means a photoshoot them. For a good scenery you should do a pose, if you don't know how to pose here is the link to the clubs posing tutorial:

Good luck girls, someone MUST be eliminated. Due 21st March

xoxo Rose

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