Thursday, April 28, 2011

Elimination and Task 3

Eliminated DancingDeeze, Evange54 and Ms.Star864.

Next Task is Colours you will each be assigned a colour and your scenery needs to be based on that colour.
You colours are:
loirinhagl- green
3mmag9- blue
FrenchChic19- Black
twoturnone- White
tayla.8- yellow
StarTishthe2nd- Red
PS.ILoveU- Pink
abbafairytale- Purple
Yowhattup- Brown

Due 7th May because I am on camp and that gives me just enough time to make a video. I think :D

Good Luck girls.

xoxo Rose

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Elimination and Task 2

There were 5 of you who did not complete the Task.
These people are:

This makes me so disappointed because I sent out two reminder topics.
You will have one chance and one chance only to redeem yourselves and stay in the competition. You need to complete both Task 1 and 2 by the Task 2 deadline.

Task 2 is to create a scenery using furniture items as clothing. Please include a pose and a tinypic for glitches. if you don't know how to do a tinypic here is a link to the youtube video I made as a tutorial: Tinypic tutorial.

Some examples: 

Due: 29th April

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cycle 3 Contestants and Task 1

Ok it was a hard decision but our top 12 are:


Well done you made the cut. If you were chosen you need to read the terms and conditions then sign under the topic Task 1 in the club that you agree to them.

First task is to create a posing scenery to show me your posing ability. You need to include your best pose. You were all chosen because you can do poses so show me that you can.

Also please make a tinypic in case of stardoll glitches. It's as simple as pressing your printscreen button and pasting it in paint.

Good Luck girls. Someone MUST be eliminated.

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Winner of Cycle 2

This was one of the toughest decisions ever. I had three amazing girls to choose from but could only pick one. In the end I finally decided that the Cycle 2 Rose's Next Top Model is..........Carla9998

It was so close and any of you could have won but I could only pick one. Well done Carla9998

Your Prize. Four page interview spread in our magazine. Manager pf the club. Judge for Cycle 3. Your winning scenery on the front page and if you would like a position to write whatever you want for the club blog.

You all did amazing and I will be doing interviews with each of the runner ups as well.

Cycle 3 Auditions are being taken now. Please Audition for you could be like Juliettteeee and Carla9998 and be one of Rose's Top Models.

xoxo Rose

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Elimination and Task 6

Unfortunately I had to eliminate someone and could not pick between two sceneries but in the end leaving are twoturnone and popymana. I could not make my mind up so double elimination. This also means that this is the last task of Cycle 2.

Top Three are:

Girls you have made it very far and that was not without difficulty. You have all produced some amazing sceneries and deserve to be here. This is why your last task is to produce the best scenery you have ever done. The Theme is all up to you. Remember this could be what you need to win. I will not be judging just this one scenery though. I am creating a portfolio on my computer of all your sceneries. I will judge who wins on your performance throughout this comepetiton. One bad scenery could cost you the whole competition. Do your best work girls. You all have the potential to be the winner but only one of you can be Roses Next Top Model.

Good Luck girls. Remember one of you WILL be Roses Next Top Model.

xoxo Rose.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Elimination and Task 5

Eliminated is yowhattup, you produced the weakest scenery on the up side task winner is Carla9998 your scenery has been added to the front page of the club.

Remaining are:

We are down to the final 5. Task 5 for the top 5 is Perfume ads. You are to create a scenery that is a perfume advertisement. You can google perfume ads for inspiration but please give me the link to the original in the comments on your scenery.

You have until 10th of April to complete this task but if everyone finishes early the task closes early.

Good luck girls. Remember Someone MUST be eliminated.

xoxo Rose

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Elimination and Task 4

Unfortunately eliminated is Paralizen because she produced the weakest scenery.Sorry

Anyway this means the remaining contestants are:

Well done.

Task 4 is Colours. You will each be assigned a colour which needs to be the main focus of your scenery. You MUST have a pose and a description.

Your colours are:
loirinhagl- White
emand18- Black
twoturnone- Blue
Carla9998- Grey
yowhattup- Green

If you need me to make and sell you a tile of your colour write in MY GUESTBOOK not the clubs and I will do that for you.

Good luck girls it is due 7th April.

xoxo Rose