Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cycle 5 Winner and Next Cycle info.

Congratulations, it was a very hard decision for me because you all did so well. I will be seeing you all back next Cycle for Cycle 6- All Stars.

For those who do not know next Cycle is All Stars. I am bringing back the winner and runner ups of each Cycle alongside a few people who I think have potential to win to compete in the most difficult Cycle yet. We are bringing back those who are strongest to compete for the title of Angel-Leigh's Next Top Model again.

Here is the list of confirmed contestants thus far:
_calmgirl_ Cycle 4 Winner
ruxandrad Cycle 5 Finalist
ZiggyKettyZoo Cycle 5 Finalist
Carla9998 Cycle 2 Winner
loirinhagl Cycle 2 Finalist
unearthly_x Cycle 5 Winner
emand18 Cycle 1 Finalist

Who are you most excited to see back?

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Task 6 Elimination

The final task is up to you. You need to create a scenery that shows me why you deserve to win. Show me why you are in the final. The scenery can have any theme but make sure to explain it in the comments. Don't forget to use a pose. Don't let me down Girls.

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Monday, October 17, 2011

Task 5 Elimination

We are down to the final three! so for the Semi-Final you need to create a scenery based on your favourite real life model. You will need to style your doll to look like them and then create a scenery based on the type of modelling the do.

Due:21st October

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Task 4 Elimination

Task 5 in the spirit of the RWC will be to create a scenery using your teams colours. So in my case I am from New Zealand so I support the All Blacks therefore I would use the colours Black and White. If your country isn't in the RWC pick a country that is and use their colours. Any questions contact me.

Due: 21st October

Good Luck girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Friday, October 14, 2011

Task 3 Elimination


Task 4 is to create a scenery based on Halloween. Seeing as Halloween is approaching I thought it would be fitting to do a task based on it. You basically have free reign so long as it portrays Halloween in some way.

Due: 19th October

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Task 2 Elimination

And for Task 2 you need to create a scenery in which you use furniture items for clothing. You will need to include a pose.

Here is an example:

Due: 18th October

Good Luck Girls

xoxo Angel-Leigh

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Task 1 Elimination and Task 2


Sorry for the delay, music issues.

Task 2 is to a scenery that shows me your style. It must contain a pose.

This is to be created in the club sceneries and may only contain your doll. You may not have multiple dolls in your scenery.

Due- 12th October

Good Luck Girls.

xoxo Angel-Leigh