Saturday, February 26, 2011


Ok so it isn't that urgent but I am seriously debating whether to make my doll short haired or not. Here is a preview of what it would look like:

Should I or shouldn't I, please comment below you opinion.

xoxo Rose

Friday, February 25, 2011

Elimination and Task 5

Eliminated is LOLA_LOLLIES, did not complete challenge.
Task winner is Juliettteeee, your scenery will go on the front page.

So remaining are:

We are so much closer to the end now so I am going to make the competition harder by having 2 Tasks per round.

Task 5 is to Create a polyvore set showing your style. Also create a scenery that has the theme Disaster. I have decided on the theme disaster because on Tuesday 22nd February 2011 there was a massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake that hit Christchurch, New Zealand leaving many people homeless, I will post pictures below for inspiration.

Due 2nd March 2011
Good Luck

xoxo Rose

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Elimination and Task 4

Eliminated is:
Unfortunately lorinhagl.
The fact that your dolls face was not included in your scenery made this decision for me.

Task 4:
Is another posing task but this time I will give you each a colour which MUST be able to be easily identified by me.

hautegurl: White
twoturnone: Red
Juliettteeee: Yellow
emand18: Green

Due February 25th
I will post examples soon.

xoxo Rose

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Elimination and Task 3

Everyone who completed the task is through to task 3. However hipipeace and sandyylee are eliminated because they did not compete.
So as a reminder through is:

Comments are on your sceneries.

Task 3 is to create a scenery using posing. Examples are below.
For those of you who dont know how to pose I have posted a posing tutorial page in the bar above.

It can be as simple as lifting on arm to complex things like my first example.
Please do not copy my examples, if you want to see the actual sceneries of these go to ENTSM club sceneries.
Due 22nd February.

xoxo Rose

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Task 2

Sorry it took me so long to post again, I have been really busy with school.
Just as a reminder the people who are through to task 2 are Emand18, Lorinhagl, LOLA-LOLLIES, Juliettteeeeee, twoturnone, hautegurl, hipipeace and sandyylee.

Task two is to make your doll as beautiful as possible and create a scenery expressing this. Make sure not to draw attention away from your doll. Example is in my personal sceneries.
Task is due Feb 18th, that is four days I will top spot topic two days before as a reminder.
Someone has to be eliminated.

BTW, do you like my new look? Comment in my guestbook your thoughts.

xoxo Rose

P.S It is my birthday tomorrow so I would appreciate it if you sent me a gift :D

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Task 1 Winners

It was a very difficult decision because you all did well, I have decided since there were so many people who did not enter I will still judge them on what I have previously from them.
I will start with my comments on everyone.
Emand18: I love how you actually gave yours a name and theme. My favourite outfit was the third one because you accessorised it very well and it all matched.
Lorinhagl: I liked how you set it out, it's a shame that one of your dresses moved though but it still looks good. My favourite outfit was the middle one because you used a great colour scheme. Though I don't like the last one at all mainly because of the colour of the green.
LOLA-LOLLIES: I like how your backgrounding was more detailed than others but that sort of took away from the outfits. My favourite outfit was the last one, I love the dress.
Juliettteeeeee: I LOVE your scenery. Your fashion sense is amazing and you are great at accessorising. Your outfits all looked great and my favourite was the last one because I love the way you used the belt to join the top and shorts.
twoturnone: I like how you used other models in yours instead of just yourself. Your outfits were very well put together. My favourite was the one you were wearing, everything matched well and looked great.
hautegurl: I like how you also used different people, your outfits matched well and looked awesome. My favourite is the middle one, I love the colours and the accessories.

Now for the people who didn't compete.

rvampirediaries: I gave you a second chance in the competition and you didn't bother to compete, you said you dedicate yourself to stardoll but you still didn't complete the task.
hipipeace: You stood out before to me but now you aren't even completing the task. I love your fashion but not completing a task is unacceptable.
nickky:I love your fashion sense and your application was okay but you could've completed the task because you have been online.
sandyylee: Your doll is so beautiful and I believe you have the potential so my question is Why did you not do it?

It was a very hard decision but I am afraid to say that the two people eliminated are:
rvampirediaries and nickky

Sorry girls, you can try again next cycle.

xoxo Rose

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Task 1

Rosalie's Next Top Model is now under way and task 1 is here.
Your task is to create a scenery that represents your style. This is to be saved to the club and you need to use the three part template. The model does not have to be you but you need to create three OUTFITS this means you need to accessorise not just a dress and shoes, be creative.
You have until 5th of February in my time which is 3 days! So get going.
One person has to be eliminated. Anyone who doesn't make a scenery is automatically eliminated.
You start now!

xoxo Rose