I had 12 girls to chose from but I could only put 10 of them through to the competition.
I will start with the first nine people that made it through and then will judge the bottom three.
I had two favourites. The first girl through to Rosalie's Next Top Model is..... sandyylee, I love your doll and your suite is well set out your closet contains some great clothes which you could use better to make your doll look really beautiful.
The second doll through is..... lorinhagl, I love your doll so much, she is beautiful and your fashion sense is amazing your suite is awesome too.
Now I am just going to do names, they only got comments because they were the top two.
In no particular order:
and nickyy
The bottom three are:
and Sweet_Caroline1
ZivaRox, your doll is alright apart from the fact that your face is all squished together, it makes your doll look very weird.
rvampirediaries, your doll is very loud in the terms of colours, your outfit however is not what I would call an out fit because you have not attempted to accessorise the dress at all.
Sweet_Caroline1, One thing that annoyed me was the fact that you left blanks in your application, the fur boots on your outfit just do not work and the makeup is a little to un organised for me.
I have decided that the last competitor in Rosalie's Next Top Model Cycle 1 is..... rvampirediaries, you showed me that you have passion, you just need to improve your outfits.
Sorry to ZivaRox and Sweet_Caroline1, this was not the right time for you.
Well done to those that got through, Task 1 will be up soon.
xoxo Rose